Cash In Transit Insurance

Cash In Transit Insurance


Cash In Transit Insurance


Cash In Transit Insurance Policy

Things to do in case of Cash in Transit Insurance compensation

1. In the event of a claim, you must notify the following telephone number immediately (if any).
Claim Hot Line  – 09 940777888
2. Attach the following documents along with the Cash in Transit Insurance claim form

  1. Proof of how much money was taken from the place of money transfer
  2. The recommendation of the People’s Police Force on how much money was looted / stolen

Cash In Transit Insurance Proposal


Premium Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the term (duration) for Cash in Transit Insurance?
The term (duration) for Cash in Transit Insurance is from 1 day to 1 year.
How the sum insured is calculated for Cash in Transit Insurance?
The cash which would be conveyed from one place to another is calculated as the sum insured.
How the premium is calculated for Cash in Transit Insurance?
The premium is calculated from 0.27% to 0.90% per MMK one thousand.
Who are able to purchase Cash in Transit Insurance?
Business Owners, Government Business, State and public owned business are able to purchase.
What type of insurance is Cash in Transit insurance?
This insurance enables the State and Private owned Business to recover their Lost Money when the same is lost by Theft and Looting while their moneys in hand are being carried and in transit from one place to another.

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