Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance


Personal Accident Insurance



Things to do in case of  Personal Accident Insurance compensation

  1. In the event of a claim, you must notify the following telephone number immediately (if any).

                                              Claim Hot Line –       09940777888

  1. Attach the following documents along with the Personal Accident Insurance claim form:


(A) In case of death

(1) Application for benefits of the transferee

(2) Policy (Original)

(3) Copy of Death Certificate

(4) Copy of National Registration Card

(5) Copy of household list


(B) In case of injury

(1) Insurance claimant claim

(2) Doctor’s recommendation from the relevant hospital

(3) Copy of hospital attendance record

(4) Citizen Registration Number

(5) Injury photo record

Personal Accident Insurance


Premium Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can buy Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance can be purchased by any healthy person, age between 16 years old to 65 years old.
What are Personal Accident insurance periods?
Personal Accident Insurance periods are as follow 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.
How Personal Accident Insurance premium determined?
(0.7%) Premium of Sum Insured for Ordinary Citizen, (1%) Premium of Sum Insured for Hazardous Jobs such as Police, Soldiers, Electricians, and Flight Attendants.
What is the maximum premium rate for Personal Accident Insurance?
The personal accident premium ranges from minimum 5 lakhs kyats to maximum 200 lakhs MMK (or) USD 1000 to USD 200000.
What are the benefits of Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance provides covers for Accidental Death, Permanent Disability, Injury, Loss of limbs, Hospitalization, and not being able to work due to disability.
What are the exclusions for Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance excluded the following - 1. Injury, Disablement, Death cause by intention self-inflicted 2. Committing Suicide, 3. Intentional Self-Inflicted Injury 4. Committing criminal offences
When can people receive compensation for Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance provides cover for the accident that occurred more than three months after the accident and less than four months after the accident, disability, compensation. For deaths, will only be valid if there is strong evidence that the accident was caused by the accident.
When does the insured has to report the occurrence of an accident?
In the event of a claim, the insured must notify the insurance company within 14 days of accident with the full details, along with the required documents, along with claims request form.
What is the maximum amount of claim an insured can claims for Personal Accident Insurance?
The maximum amount of compensation is the insurance sum insured for Personal Accident Insurance.
Can an insured receive permanent disability benefits and other benefits at the same time?
No, Personal Accident Insurance doesn’t cover permanent disability benefits with other benefit simultaneously.

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